Monkey Forest Ubud is included in one of the tourist attractions in Ubud that must be visited, because it is very iconic and represents the impression of the Ubud tourist attraction as a whole. In addition, the Ubud monkey forest tourist attraction is a protected forest area and in this forest, there is a sacred Balinese Hindu temple, named Pura Dalem Agung Padangtegal.

Furthermore, the original name of the Ubud monkey forest tourist attraction is Mandala Wisata Wenara Wana, but it is more famous as the Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary.

Then, when tourists enter the Bali monkey forest tourist attraction, fresh air will be felt, towering green trees will be visible from the parking area. Before tourists enter the entrance, tourists will see a ticket booth. At this ticket booth, tourists will pay for the entrance ticket to the Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary tourist attraction.


Location of Monkey Forest Ubud

Where is the location of the Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary tourist spot on the island of Bali? Furthermore, the location of the monkey forest tourist attraction in Ubud Bali, is on Jalan Monkey Forest Ubud, Gianyar district, Bali – 80571.

If you depart from Ngurah Rai airport directly to the location from Ubud monkey forest, it will take approximately 1 hour, 15 minutes, with a distance of about 36 kilometers.

If you stay at one of the hotels located in the tourist area of ​​Kuta Bali. So to get to the Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary tourist attraction from Kuta Bali beach, you will cover a distance of approximately 43 kilometers, with an estimated travel time of 1 hour 30 minutes.


Opening Hours

The opening hours of the monkey forest tourist attractions in Ubud, from 09:00 – 17:00 Bali time, the last time to buy tickets is at 16:30.

Furthermore, the best time to visit the Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary is at 14:00. Since most of the monkeys are full, get food from the manager of the Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary. This makes the ape’s aggressive nature a little less.

In addition, in the monkey forest tourist attraction area in Ubud, there are many officers who monitor the behavior of monkeys. The goal is for the comfort and safety of visitors.


Guide and Tips

There are some tips that tourists should do when visiting the Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary tourist attractions.

  • Put valuables in the bag, such as earrings, scarves, glasses or cellphones. If you want to take photos, always hold the camera tightly. These items will attract the interest of the monkeys to take.
  • Walk on the road that has been provided, don’t walk through the area of ​​the road that has been provided and don’t set your foot in the monkey eating zone. This will make the monkeys aggressive, because the monkeys think you are entering their territory.
  • Do not hit or hurt the monkeys, this will make other monkeys attack you.
  • Do not feed the monkeys, because the food for the monkeys has been provided by the manager of the Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary.
  • The Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary area, is a non-smoking area and tourists are strictly prohibited from smoking in the Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary area.
  • Don’t run and stare into the male monkey’s eyes all the time.
  • Always supervise your children while inside the Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary area.


You can enjoy the beauty of Ubud in a half Day tour with us!